8th Module: SOLID Snake
The article given for this week, while highly concise and technical, provides an outlook for quality in Object-Oriented design and programming. While some might argue that there is no universal principle for quality in software and every case and system must be carefully considered in order to balance everything out, I think there are some general ideas or heuristics that we can adhere to in order to aim for quality even in doubt or if we don’t have a true idea of our system. I was also surprised to discover that the software world can be very small, as these set of ideas were proposed by “Uncle Bob”, writer and/or participant in various other articles of which this blog is thankful for. According to my experience, when I learned about OOP, even without a class or lecture dedicated to these concepts, one seems to tend towards these practices. What I mean by this is that carefully using all the capabilities and features of languages such as Java or C#, certain patterns such...